Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club
P.O. Box 30318
Pensacola FL, 32503
Office: 850-484-1312
The Office is not usually staffed during typical business hours. Please see below for the best times to try to reach us by phone. If you would like, please email us (links below) a quick question with your phone number as we are likely to see the email before we get your voicemail. Thank you!
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10 am- 1 pm with frequent email check
You may also be able to reach someone during our swim school hours (Monday - Thursday from 2:30 to 6:30 PM) however this is a busy time at the pool and we may be on deck. Please leave a message or email one of the following individuals.
Contact Information:
Office Manager: Christina Luciano - Billing Questions
Head Coach & CEO: Greg Johnson
PSC Lead Coach: Breanna Johnson
UWF Age Group Coach: Scott Griffith
Assistant Senior Coach: Kevin Menser
GPAC Board President: Ricke Harris
GPAC Meet Entries: Maureen Little
Swim School Director: Amma Brown
General contact through a web submission CONTACT US.