Welcome to GPAC!
The world of competitive swimming can be daunting for those of us without swim experience. Not only do we need to know the various nuances of swimming but the operational intricacies (billing, policies, etc) of GPAC itself. We developed this page an others on the website to try to help guide you through.
Most everything you need to know will be posted on this website. It can be difficult to look through everything that is posted but it is a good reference any time of day. Of course your swimmers coaches or our office staff can help with answers but we are not available at all hours like the web. Many things on the site are for our members only so please be sure you are logged into your account so that you can access everything. Most of the links below will only work if you are logged in. In particular I would point you to our "Parent" button for most information about GPAC operations and the "Parent Education" page for info on swimming in general.
We ask that you make sure you know all the policies that we have in place. Many are required by USA swimming but some are of our own making. Please visit the Policy Page. The only item that is not listed there is our Financial Policies which can be found under the "Join GPAC" Tab.
Under the "Parent Education" page you will find links to general swim information as well as documents about how to work with your coach. The parent code of conduct is found here as well as a document called the Triangular Relationship which is a great read and helpful in making your child a success in swimming and in life.
We hope this helps you navigate your new world a little better and we are glad you have joined us!
We have created this powerpoint presentation to aid new members on navigating the website a little better. Please take the time to go through it and also practice on your account the different functions!