Brooke Ferrara to Represent GPAC and Southeastern Swimming at Zones
Brooke Ferrara has been selected to represent Southeastern Swimming at the Southern Zone Championship held in Greenville, SC from July 30th to August 4th.
The Zone Championship Meets feature the top regional swimmers from around the United States divided into the four designated zones: Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western. Southeastern Swimming Athletes earning a position on this team have achieved the highest level of age group swimming and will experience a highly competitive meet at a world class swimming facility.
The Southeastern All Star team is selected using times from the Southeastern Long Course Championships and the Summer Sectional Meet. 8 Females and 8 Males for the 11-12, 13-14 and 15 -18 age groups are selected based on their 3 best swims which are valued on the Power Point system.
This is Brooke's 3rd selection to the Southeastern Zone Team as she also made the team as a 12 year old and at a 14 year old.
GPAC wishes Brooke the best of luck as she takes on some great talent across the Southern Zone of USA Swimming!
You can follow the meet on the Team Greenville website by clicking the link below.