Team Food Drive Donates Quarter Ton

The GPAC team food drive concluded this weekend at the Gravy Bowl meet, and including the donations collected at the meet, GPAC swimmers donated 500 pounds of food to Manna Food Banks of Northwest Florida!
The White, Blue and Green groups at Pensacola State College were the winning groups again for the third consecutive year, with their tallies coming in at over 300 items (3.2 items per swimmer) of food donated. Milestone and UWF were tied, at about 2 food items per swimmer collected, which were the largest tallies for these pools as well. The swimmers at PSC will be rewarded for their efforts with a pizza party in the near future.
This was the biggest donation GPAC has given Manna in the three years it has been collecting food. GPAC is very proud to support the community in this way, and sincere thanks go out to all the families on the team for helping the team surpass its goal as well as families from the visiting teams at the meet.