CMSA Spirit of Mobile Meet Recap

Breanna Johnson

GPAC kicked off the start of the Long Course season in Mobile, AL for the CMSA Spirit of
Mobile meet April 20-21 st . GPAC had a total of 30 swimmers participate in the meet with 27
GPAC swimmers achieving at least one life-time best. In total, GPAC had 118 best times out of
182 swims, coming out to 65% best times for GPAC as a whole.

Congratulations to our event winners:

Addison Adams (10), 100 Fly and 100 Free.
Marcela Dos Santos (12), 200 Free, 50 Free, 100 Fly, 200 IM, 100 Back, 100 Free and 50 Fly.
AJ Gillespie (10), 200 Free, 100 Breast, 200 IM and 50 Breast.
Drew Henry (17), 200 Fly.
Max Little (17), 100 Breast, 200 IM and 200 Breast.
Arthur Phillips (12), 50 Fly.
Anderson Saksa (12), 200 Free, 100 Fly, 100 Back and 100 Free.
Caroline Smith (16), 200 Breast.

The following swimmers achieved 100% best times:

Addison Adams, Kennedy Carter, Bill Caves, Carson Cox, Max DeVasConCellos, AJ
Gillespie, Emma Joachim, Oliver Johnson, Sam Wilderman and Bailey Yoon.

Congratulations to the following swimmers who achieved SES automatic qualifying times:

Addison Adams, Marcela Dos Santos, AJ Gillespie and Arthur Phiilips.

Congratulations to swimmers who achieved New Motivational Time Standards:

B: Bill Caves, Carson Cox, Maddy Mckian, Emma McLaughlin, Arthur Phillips and SamWilderman.
BB: Bill Caves, AJ Gillespie, Drew Henry, Oliver Johnson and Emma McLaughlin.
A: Addison Adams, AJ Gillespie, Noah Jacobs, Addison Lee and Arthur Phillips.
AA: Addison Adams, Marcela Dos Santos, Noah Jacobs, Addison Lee, Kiley Menser and Arthur Phillips.