Auburn Aquatics Richard Quick Invitational

Breanna Johnson

GPAC traveled to Auburn Alabama for the Auburn Aquatics Richard Quick Invitational on June 21st  through June 23rd. GPAC had a total of 33 swimmers participate in the meet with 31 of them achieving at least one life-time best. In total, GPAC had 137 best times out of 282 swims, coming out to 49% best times for GPAC as a whole.

Congratulations to our event winners.

Addison Adams, Max Little and Logan Robinson.

The following swimmers achieved 100% best times.

Abby Ashford and Amelia Ilnitskiy.

Congratulations to the following swimmers who achieved SES automatic qualifying times.

Addison Adams, Benjamin Ashford, Braedon Jacobs, Noah Jacobs, Max Little, Arthur Phillips and Caroline Smith.

Congratulations to swimmers who achieved New Motivational Time Standards:

B: Abby Ashford and Sarah Lewis, .

BB: Arthur Phillips.

A: Landon Garcia, Callie Harris, JoJo Harris, Ameilia Ilnitskiy, Noah Jacobs, Arthur Phillips, Lane Robinson, Cain Scoggins, Caroline Smith and Avery Witte.

AA: Addison Adams, Landon Garcia, Noah Jacobs, Addison Lee, Abi Robinson and Caroline Smith.

AAA:  Taylor Clements, Braedon Jacobs, Ian Malone and Logan Robinson.

AAAA: Max Little and Logan Robinson